Awake. Heal. Grow.
Deepak Chopra said: “Life is like a tree and its root is consciousness. Therefore, once we tend the root, the tree as a whole will be healthy.” At Tree of Life, we find the ‘root’ cause of the problem to heal body, mind & spirit.
Core Services
Book your free 30 minute consultation:
Clinical & Spiritual Hypnotherapy
Spiritual Coaching
Sound Therapy
Chakra Healing
“As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal someone else.”
Maya Angelou
It’s never too late to improve your skills or even completely retrain yourself as a therapist.
Quantum Strategic Leadership
The Seven Pillars of Blissful Life
Holistic Healing Trainings
Corporate Trainings
“Developing inner values is much like physical exercise. The more we train our abilities, the stronger they become. The difference is that, unlike the body, when it comes to training the mind, there is no limit to how far we can go.”
Dalai Lama
Franchise Opportunities
We offer business franchise opportunities:
The Seven Pillars of Blissful Life
Quantum Strategic Leadership
Children of Light School Programme
Holistic Healing Trainings
“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”
Nelson Mandela
Corporate Programmes
We offer a variety of business programmes:
The Seven Pillars of Blissful Life
Quantum Strategic Leadership
Corporate Training Programmes
Corporate Sound Bath Sessions